October 24

What’s Happening To Me? – PART 2


Part 1 | Part 3

18. Encourage Strengths to Be Explored:

When your child knows they do something well and feel good about it, they will start to develop confidence and positive self-esteem. 

19. Don’t Squash Emotions:

Take their emotions seriously and listen to them. Help them get a handle on how they are feeling; it’s ok to cry, feel sad, or even lonely. 

20. Show Love With Actions, Not Material Items:

Show them you are always there for them in good and bad times. This is much more important in the long run than the newest brand names. 

21. Push Out Pressure:

Tweens are under a huge amount of pressure. It is important to let them know regularly they are going to be successful at times and unsuccessful at other times. 

22. Let Your Child Teach You Things:

Let your kids teach you stuff. It will broaden your own horizons and also make your child feel special for teaching you something for once. 

23. Insist on Respect:

Establish rules and boundaries, and most importantly enforce them. Your child will grow to respect you as a parent, and most importantly; a person. 

24. Establish a Healthy Sleep Routine:

Tweens burn off a lot of energy.  Be sure to establish a healthy sleep routine. 

  25. Establish a Friend Dinner Night:

Great way to keep an eye on who your child hangs out & how they interact together! Make the guest feel welcome & offer tween-friendly food.  

26. Establish a Non-Technology Bedtime Routine:

Studies show that technology before bed can actually disrupt sleep. So, no cell phones, computers, e-readers, etc. Try a book instead.  

27. Encourage Your Child to Eat to live, not live to eat:

Always help guide your child toward making healthy eating choices, but by no means; don’t force them or shame them for their choices. 

28. Teach Assertiveness:

Kids need to learn to use their words and speak up for what they want. They should never feel afraid to ask for something they want or need. 

29. Encourage a Hobby:

Encourage your child to pursue their creative interests. It helps them discover something new, which makes them a well-rounded individual. 

30. Build a Realistic Budget:

Instill financial responsibility at a young age is important. The morals, values, & lessons learned about money will stick with them into adulthood.  

31. Encourage Daily Exercise:

Get your children moving by signing them up for a sport, or by taking a walk, jog, or bike ride after dinner each night. 

32. Teach Respect for Teachers:

Children need to learn the fine line between being assertive and being arrogant. Teach them to greet their teacher by name & be attentive in class.   

  33. Offer a Variety of Adolescent Resources:

Sometimes tweens just don’t want to talk. Make books about puberty, relationships, and relate-able youth fiction accessible.   

34. Share Personal Anecdotes:

This will help them relax and open up because you are literally telling them you can relate to what they are going through! 

35. Find a Family Mentor:

It’s great for your child to have someone else in your family to turn to for advice and guidance. Grandpa or Grandma or aunt or uncle.  

36. Phone Relatives Regularly:

 This simple, selfless act teaches that family is important and keeping in touch is a sign of respect. 


child, puberty, self confidence, self esteem

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